sol4k Maven Central Build Style License

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Sol4k is a Kotlin client for Solana that can be used with Java or any other JVM language, as well as on Android. It enables communication with an RPC node, allowing users to query information from the blockchain, create accounts, read data from them, send different types of transactions, and work with key pairs and public keys. The client also exposes convenient APIs to make the developer experience smooth and straightforward.

How to import


implementation 'org.sol4k:sol4k:0.5.3'



How to use

Create a connection, request the latest blockhash, and submit a SOL transfer transaction from one account to another

val connection = Connection(RpcUrl.DEVNET)
val blockhash = connection.getLatestBlockhash()
val sender = Keypair.fromSecretKey(secretKeyBytes)
val receiver = PublicKey("DxPv2QMA5cWR5Xfg7tXr5YtJ1EEStg5Kiag9HhkY1mSx")
val instruction = TransferInstruction(sender.publicKey, receiver, lamports = 1000)
val message = TransactionMessage.newMessage(sender.publicKey, blockhash, instruction)
val transaction = VersionedTransaction(message)
val signature = connection.sendTransaction(transaction)

Check the sol4k-examples repository to find ready-to-use Java examples of sol4k APIs.


Working with key pairs and public keys.

Generating a keypair.

val generatedKeypair = Keypair.generate()

Creating a keypair from an existing secret.

val keypairFromSecretKey = Keypair.fromSecretKey(secretKeyByteArray)

Creating a public key from string.

val publicKey = PublicKey("DxPv2QMA5cWR5Xfg7tXr5YtJ1EEStg5Kiag9HhkY1mSx")

Creating a public key from a byte array.

val publicKey = PublicKey(publicKeyByteArray)

Obtaining an associated token account address for an SPL token.

val programDerivedAddress = PublicKey.findProgramDerivedAddress(holderAddress, tokenMintAddress)

Converting a public key to a string.

val publicKey = PublicKey("DxPv2QMA5cWR5Xfg7tXr5YtJ1EEStg5Kiag9HhkY1mSx")
publicKey.toBase58() // DxPv2QMA5cWR5Xfg7tXr5YtJ1EEStg5Kiag9HhkY1mSx
publicKey.toString() // DxPv2QMA5cWR5Xfg7tXr5YtJ1EEStg5Kiag9HhkY1mSx

Base 58 encoding

Decoding data.

val decodedBytes: ByteArray = Base58.decode("DxPv2QMA5cWR5Xfg7tXr5YtJ1EEStg5Kiag9HhkY1mSx")

Encoding data.

val encodedData: String = Base58.encode(inputByteArray)

Working with signatures

Signing a message.

val signature: ByteArray = keypair.sign(messageByteArray)


val result: Boolean = publicKey.verify(signature, message)

RPC functions

RPC calls are performed via a Connection class that exposes functions that mirror the JSON RPC methods. A connection can be created with an HTTP URL of an RPC node and a commitment.

val connection = Connection(RpcUrl.DEVNET, Commitment.PROCESSED)

If commitment is not specified, FINALIZED is used by default.

val connection = Connection(RpcUrl.DEVNET)

You can also pass RPC URL as a string.

val connection = Connection("")

RPC methods that require commitment will use the one specified during the connection creation or can be overridden by passing commitment as an additional argument.

val connection = Connection(RpcUrl.DEVNET, Commitment.CONFIRMED)
// a blockhash with the 'confirmed' commitment
val blockhash = connection.getLatestBlockhash() 
// commitment is overridden by 'finalized'
val finalizedBlockhash = connection.getLatestBlockhash(Commitment.FINALIZED)

Supported APIs:

  • getAccountInfo
  • getBalance
  • getEpochInfo
  • getHealth
  • getIdentity
  • getLatestBlockhash
  • getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption
  • getTokenAccountBalance
  • getTokenSupply
  • getTransactionCount
  • isBlockhashValid
  • requestAirdrop
  • sendTransaction
  • simulateTransaction


Sol4k supports versioned transactions and legacy transactions with the VersionedTransaction and Transaction classes correspondingly. Both classes support similar APIs and can be used to build, sign, serialize, deserialize and send Solana transactions. It is recommended to use VersionedTransaction in the new code. A transaction can be created by specifying the latest blockhash, one or several instructions, and a fee payer.

val message = TransactionMessage.newMessage(feePayer, blockhash, instruction)
val transaction = VersionedTransaction(message)

A versioned transaction with multiple instructions:

val message = TransactionMessage.newMessage(feePayer, blockhash, instructions)
val transaction = VersionedTransaction(message)

Legacy transaction:

val transaction = Transaction(blockhash, instructions, feePayer)

Instaruction is an interface that requires having the following data:

interface Instruction {
    val data: ByteArray
    val keys: List<AccountMeta>
    val programId: PublicKey

The Instaruction interface has several implementations such as TransferInstruction, SplTransferInstruction, CreateAssociatedTokenAccountInstruction, and BaseInstruction (the one used for sending arbitrary transactions).

AccountMeta is a class that lets you specify metadata for the accounts used in an instruction. It requires a public key and two boolean values: signer and writable.

val accountMeta = AccountMeta(publicKey, signer = false, writable = true)

It also has three convenience functions to construct objects with different combinations of properties.

val signerAndWritable: AccountMeta = AccountMeta.signerAndWritable(publicKey)
val signer: AccountMeta = AccountMeta.signer(publicKey)
val writable: AccountMeta = AccountMeta.writable(publicKey)

Here’s an example of combining everything together: creating a transaction that sends information to a game program.

val instructionData = byteArrayOf(-3, -42, 48, -55, 100, -55, -29, -37) 
val accounts = listOf(
val joinGameInstruction = BaseInstruction(instructionData, accounts, programId)
val blockhash = connection.getLatestBlockhash()
val joinGameMessage = TransactionMessage.newMessage(playerPublicKey, blockhash, joinGameInstruction)
val joinGameTransaction = VersionedTransaction(joinGameMessage)
val signature = connection.sendTransaction(joinGameTransaction)

Here’s another example: creating an associated token account for a user’s wallet.

val blockhash = connection.getLatestBlockhash()
val payerWallet = Keypair.fromSecretKey(secretKeyBytes)
val usdcMintAddress = PublicKey("Gh9ZwEmdLJ8DscKNTkTqPbNwLNNBjuSzaG9Vp2KGtKJr")
val destinationWallet = Keypair.generate().publicKey
val (associatedAccount) = PublicKey.findProgramDerivedAddress(destinationWallet, usdcMintAddress)
val instruction = CreateAssociatedTokenAccountInstruction(
    payer = payerWallet.publicKey,
    associatedToken = associatedAccount,
    owner = destinationWallet,
    mint = usdcMintAddress,
val message = TransactionMessage.newMessage(payerWallet.publicKey, blockhash, instruction)
val transaction = Transaction(message)
val signature = connection.sendTransaction(transaction)

You can find more examples in the project tests.

Development setup

In order to build and run sol4k locally, perform the next steps:

  • Install JDK 11 or newer as a default version of JDK (running java --version should print 11 or newer).
  • Install JDK 8, but do not select it as a default. If you’re using macOS, you can check for Java 8 in the list by running /usr/libexec/java_home -V.
  • Execute ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal.

This would install sol4k in your local Maven repository, and you would be able to import it in other projects (make sure mavenLocal is among your Maven repositories). Adjust currentVersion in to be sure you are importing the version that you have built.

In order to run end-to-end tests, you need to set two environment variables: an RPC URL and a Base-58 encoded secret key of an account that you would be using for testing.

export E2E_RPC_URL=""
export E2E_SECRET_KEY="base-58-encode-secret-key..."

Execute the tests:

./gradlew integrationTest

The account needs to have some Devnet SOL as well as Devnet USDC in order to run the tests. You can aridrop them both using this faucet.

If you want to generate a new account for testing, you can do it like this:

val keypair = Keypair.generate()
val secret = Base58.encode(keypair.secret)
println("Secret: $secret")
println("Public Key: ${keypair.publicKey}")

If no environment variables are set, end-to-end tests would use EwtJVgZQGHe9MXmrNWmujwcc6JoVESU2pmq7wTDBvReF to interact with the blockchain. Its secret key is publicly available in the source code, that’s why make sure it has Devnet USDC and SOL if you want to rely on it.


If you like sol4k and want the project to keep going, consider sponsoring it via GitHub Sponsors or directly to the wallet address:
